Monday, October 18, 2010

Banana makes men more fertile

 By K.M. LEW

     If men wants to quickly have children or want to overcome fertility problems, they should try eating bananas regularly.
     A Singapore urologist has claimed that eating a banana every three days can improve fertility in men, according to a report.

      According to Sin Chew Daily, the fruit can increase sperm count as it contains high level of magnesium to produce sperm cells and taking food like cashew nuts, potato, spaghetti and seafood will also have a similar effect, according to the doctor.
     "Men should avoid drinking alcohol, smoking, taking a hot shower or spending time in a sauna as these can affect the production of sperm," the urologist advised.

     However, increasing number of sperm and testosterone are not only influenced by the nutrients from food. Unhealthy lifestyles also affect male fertility.


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